Friday, April 22, 2011

Today we read about birds nests - where they build them and what they use to construct them. Then Gavin finished his bird book he's been working on while Austin colored. Today's bird was a plover - they are the birds that eat food stuck in crocodile's teeth.

Here's the finished product: today's plover picture...
and the cover Gavin made for it.

The only other exciting thing that happened today was that the boys got a package from their grandparents. It was a big hit! Gavin enjoyed trying to put together the puzzles.

Austin wasn't too excited about the package at first...he was too hungry to notice at first. But then he noticed the wind up hopping egg...that got his attention!
Gavin thought it was funny too!

When Gavin left the table, Austin decided to try and put together the puzzles since his brother seemed to enjoy it.

For fun today we read 'The Best Nest' by P.D. Eastman. Not exactly factual, but fun nonetheless. We also read 'Birds in their Homes' by Addison Webb. This is an older book and I couldn't find a picture but it's a wonderful book that has nests categorized into birds that build their nests with mud, birds that build their nests with twigs, birds that use grasses, etc. It has beautiful sketches of birds and talks about how and where they build their nests in a conversational, easy to read way.

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