Wednesday, September 14, 2011

For the next couple of months we will be going to a Bible Study on Tuesday mornings so we will have school on Mondays and Wednesday, Thursday, Friday.

At the Renaissance Festival this weekend Gavin got a bow and arrow set.  He's been asking for one for a while and we happened to find one there.  We put a large cardboard box next to the playhouse and he has spent a lot of time trying to hit it.  I have to say, he is getting pretty good at hitting it from about ten to twelve feet away.  He is also getting faster loading his arrow.  Today it's raining and the first thing Gavin said this morning is that he wasn't going to be able to practice archery.  He's very sad!

For math we combined all the things we've been learning the last couple of weeks.  I wrote down a number like 23 cents, 35 cents, etc. and Gavin had to show the number using place value cards, his abacus and then with coins.

Austin mostly played with the cars again but he did get out his eraser sorting game.

Gavin reviewed tally marks by making a tally mark for each letter in his friends names.

Austin got out the farm shadow matching game I made for him on my Cricut.  It was easy for him but he did it several times and seemed to enjoy it.

Then we talked about 'between' using stick figures and then numbers on the abacus.

Then we talked about portraits using a portrait of Henry VIII.  Gavin decided to draw a portrait of Austin.  Since Austin won't hold still for very long, he looked at a picture of Austin and tried to draw a portrait from that.

Then Gavin drew a picture of Roanoke in his history journal and wrote the sentence, "No one knows what happened to Roanoke Colony."

Here is the portrait of Henry VIII we studied by Hans Holbein the Younger done in 1540.

We read about Roanoke in our history book then read this book.

We have one more chapter left in Black Fox.  This has taken forever to read and I can't wait until it's over.  Although Gavin is really enjoying it.  When I told him we only had one chapter left he told me he wanted to read it again.  I told him he'd have to wait until he could read it himself because it's too long to read aloud.

We started this book before bed.


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