Friday, September 9, 2011

We had a quiet homeschool day yesterday doing mostly review work.  In math we did introduce dimes and then I would put a number on the abacus and Gavin had to make the number using coins.  He also had to make the same number more then one way, ex: 10 - 1 dime, 2 nickels, 10 pennies or 1 nickel and 5 pennies.

Then he reviewed dividing shapes in half.

This morning Austin did an 'A for Astronaut' dot painting.

Then he identified big 'A' and little 'a' on this worksheet by coloring them.  His coloring isn't very neat but he was able to find all the a's.

While I was helping Austin with his work Gavin worked on his cursive 'd'.

When his work was done Austin went immediately to the car game.

Gavin reviewed pennies, nickels and dimes and we did the same activity as yesterday where I would put a number on his abacus and he had to figure out different ways to get to that number.  We did use higher and uneven numbers today.

Austin decided to put the cars away and play with his abacus.

That didn't last long before he decided to play with his new transportation stamps.  I put four small pieces of paper on the tray and four stamps.  Then I stamped each paper one time with a different vehicle.  Austin had to use the same stamp I used on the paper.

Gavin learned how to divide objects in half.

To finish our Christopher Columbus week we talked a little bit about what we have been reading about his trip across the ocean.  Specifically how they relied on the wind to take them.  On the way over to the New World they had a week or so of no wind so they didn't go anywhere and on the way back they hit a storm with fierce winds and were blown all over the place. 
For our demonstration of this, we held boat races in the water table outside.  We each got a sailboat, and we blew them across the table to see who get get their boat across first.  Gavin won every time!  He even beat me!

When he kept winning on the right side of the table we made him switch to the left side to see if the right side was just faster for some reason but he kept right on winning.

Yesterday we read about Nicolaus Copernicus.  We should wrap up space next week and then we will start learning about the human body.

Today we read the chapter about Columbus is this book.

This is the stamp set Austin was playing with.

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