Wednesday, September 28, 2011

This morning Austin spent a little time working on his patterns.

Gavin worked on blends and reading simple sentences.

Austin circled the smallest object in the box on a worksheet.  Then he randomly colored the paper with his pencil.

Gavin learned cursive letter 'j'.

I drew a picture of an igloo on a piece of paper and wrote 'I is for Igloo'.  Austin glued white paper squares onto the igloo.

In math Gavin and I played Go Fish.  Gavin loved this game!  I had to promise we would play it again tomorrow to get him to agree to stop playing!  Instead of finding the same number for the pair we had to find a pair that equals 10.  For example, if I had the number 4, I didn't ask for a 4, I asked for a 6 because 4 and 6 equal 10.  Gavin got to use his abacus for help.

Meanwhile, Austin played with Play-Doh.  I added a pumpkin cookie cutter to the accessories bag and he made quite a few pumpkins.

After our game, I gave Gavin four 10s place value cards (they were pieces of paper not our actual place value cards) and four 1s place value cards.  He put them in order from the smallest number he could make, 13, to the biggest, 48.  Then he glued the cards onto a piece of construction paper along with matching abacus cards.  It's kind of hard to explain but you can see a picture of the finished paper below.

In history we are starting the story of the Pilgrims.  I'm not sure if we will be studying the Pilgrims all the way to Thanksgiving or not.  That would be about six weeks.  We'll have to see how it goes.  Today we read the first couple chapters of Pilgrim Boy.

We are still reading the story of Joseph in Bible.  Joseph was just sold into slavery by his brothers.

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