Wednesday, September 21, 2011

I didn't take many pictures today.  Austin played with the Playmobil knights while Gavin and I did school.   We did start learning about our skeletons this morning and we glued some leg bones onto our bodies.

Before Gavin and I started school, Austin and I read a few books.  'Apple Farmer Annie' was a favorite of Gavin's when he was little and I think it will be a favorite of Austin as well.  It's a wonderful book!

Gavin and I read these books about skeletons.

We also started a bone/calcium experiment.  Yesterday I cooked a whole chicken so we set aside a couple of bones for our experiment.  Gavin drew the bones in his science notebook and wrote down words to describe what they felt and looked like.  Then we put them in a jar full of vinegar to draw out the calcium.  We will check them tomorrow or Friday and again on Monday to see what happens.

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