Friday, September 23, 2011

This morning Austin worked on several of his tot trays.  This one is just a simple counting numbers 1-5.  The number was on the left side of the paper and boxes for the number to the right of it.  Austin put erasers in the boxes.

He did the farm animal shadow matching folder.

Gavin read 'h' words and then did a 'test' in his Phonics book.  I don't really take a grade but Gavin takes 'graded' workbook pages very seriously.

Then he worked on his cursive letter 'f'.  'F' was difficult for him.

Austin spent the rest of the time doing puzzles.

In math, Gavin estimated a number of objects, then counted the objects by using one finger to count and the other hand to set up his tally marks.  Then he made the number using his place value cards.  He did a really good job estimating.  We did a stack of books, erasers and pencils.  He was 3 off on two of them and 1 off on the other.

After that we worked on addition a little bit.  We found all the equations that go in number 5 and number 10.  Then he did about 10 problems on a worksheet that were adding by 1- super easy for him.  In science we finished up skeletons by reading a couple more books.  Then Gavin did a self portrait that flips up to show a skeleton.

I told him to smile, this is what I got.  He's not really in pain, I promise.

While Austin was napping Gavin got to watch the old Swiss Family Robinson movie.  I think it was made in the 60s?  He was very excited since we hardly ever watch tv.  I thought that since we finished the book he might like the movie.  Of course, the movie really has nothing to do with the book, which is disappointing.
After Austin's nap we walked to the park.  It was a perfect day to be outside!  The boys had lots of fun and we stayed a long time.

Here are the books we read today.

We are still working on Pocohontas during lunch time.  We have about three chapters left.
And we finished Red Knight before bedtime tonight!  We will be reading The Tale of Despereaux next.  I haven't seen the movie so I'm not really sure what this book is about other then a mouse, but, the same author wrote the Mercy Watson series and we LOVE Mercy Watson!

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