Friday, September 16, 2011

We have been doing a lot of reviewing and winding up the last couple of days so I don't have many pictures to post.  Austin still enjoys playing with Play-Doh!

Gavin has been reviewing addition.  Yesterday he was 'writing' out addition problems using tally marks, then combining the tally marks to get the answers.  Today I was giving sample addition word problems using Gavin and Austin as the main characters.  Gavin had to write out the problem using tally marks on paper.  Then we talked about addition being parts of a whole, i.e. in 3 + 4 = 7, 3 and 4 are parts of 7.  We talked about other parts we could use to get 7 on the abacus.  Gavin kept trying to use three numbers to get his answer, like 2 + 2 + 3 = 7.

He did a math worksheet to reinforce his addition review.

Yesterday we finished our space unit.  We read this book about space.

Then he watched this DVD that shows kids training to be astronauts at the NASA space camp.
Today we read this book about Pocahontas.

And we started this chapter book at lunch time.

We read a book about Van Gogh.

We are still reading about the Red Knight before bed.

We finally finished the Viking book!

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