Monday, October 3, 2011

This month we are starting the Book It! Reading Program through Pizza Hut.  We did it in school when I was a kids and I loved it!  Luckily, they let homeschoolers participate too.  Basically, you read to earn a personal pan pizza from Pizza Hut, and you can earn one each month, October through March.  The nice thing about this program is the teacher gets to set the goals for the student so it works for any age.  For Gavin, he will have to read three books each week.  He gets one sticker per book (we made a little chart for him this weekend) and if he fills up his chart for the month he gets a pizza.  We got Gavin a set of phonetic readers at Barnes and Noble.  They are really nice because they are all simple words that he can sound out and read himeslf.  So, he can read them without help but he does have to work at it so it is perfect for him right now.  After Christmas we'll see how he's doing and I may have him start reading a little more difficult material.  These are the phonetic readers we have now.

He read two of them this morning. 

Then he did worked in his Letters and Sounds workbook identifying beginning sounds.

Then he colored the picture using a color code based on short vowel sounds.

Austin did not participate in school this morning.  He spent most of the morning playing with dinosaurs in the bedroom.

In math we introduced 100s place value.

The only thing Austin did school related today was this shape shadow matching worksheet.

Then he got out the Play-Doh and played with that until school was over.

After talking about the 100s place we played Go Fish.  Gavin is getting so he doesn't need his abacus to think of the number he needs to make 10.  The only time he used it was when he had a 3 to get the answer 7.

Then we read about our heart!  We listened to our hearts and each others hearts.  Gavin and Austin jumped around the living room then listened to their heart again.

They both colored their hearts and glued them onto their paper bodies.

We read these books.

We read this book even though today we have a new artist, Michelangelo.  We just didn't have a chance to read it last week and it needs to go back to the library.

We are still reading about Despereaux before bed.

Our composer this month is Mozart and we are still working on memorizing Psalm chapter 1.  In Bible we read about Joseph working for Potiphar and Joseph just got thrown into prison.

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