Thursday, October 20, 2011

This morning Gavin worked on his cursive letter 'p' and read two-vowel words.  In math he got to learn how to use a calculator!  We just did simple adding 1 or 2 to numbers with the calculator.  Then we reviewed place value to the tens place.  Up until now we have be calling 40 four-ten or 43 four-ten three.  Today we were learning the actual name forty but Gavin already knows the names of the numbers so it was review for him.  To wrap it up we learned how to make pairs to get to 100 (like 60 + 40, same as we were doing for 10 a couple weeks ago).  We noticed that all you had to do was add a 0 to the numbers that would make 10.

In science we learned about our lungs and how they work.  We had two activities today.  We put some colored water (air) into a bottle (lung) and stuck a straw in the top (windpipe) and put Play Doh around the straw to block the air.  Then we pushed in the bottle (exhale) and watched the water (air) go up the windpipe and then back down when we released the bottle (inhale).

For our next experiment we used the top half of a liter bottle, put a balloon in the top (lung) and secured a piece of latex across the bottom (diaphram).  We noticed that when we pushed in the latex (exhaled) the balloon deflated and when we pulled out (inhaled) it filled up with air.  Gavin really liked both of these activities!

Then Gavin colored his lungs and placed them on his paper body.

He didn't glue down the bottom so the heart is still visible.

In art we studied the painting "Flower Day" by Diego Rivera and talked about how artists draw shapes.

Then we pulled a few items out of our science drawer (stuff the kids find on the trail or at the park that they have to bring home) so Gavin could draw them.  First he just drew the shapes he saw with pencil and then colored them with colored pencil.

These are the books we read today.

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