Friday, October 14, 2011

This morning Austin actually joined us for a few minutes.  He worked on gluing blueberries onto a blueberry bush.  Each blueberry was a different size and he had to find the circle on the bush that was the same size as the blueberry and then glue it on.  We had weird shadows going on in our room today so the pictures didn't turn out too well.

Gavin worked on his reading and did a review of cursive letters.  In math he worked on graphing and on adding 2 to numbers over 10.

In art he drew a picture of something he likes to do: reading at school.  He started with pencil and then colored it in with soft pastels.  Unfortunately, the soft pastels smear all over the paper so it turned into a big mess.  I'm not sure if that's just what soft pastels do or if it's because I got the cheapest ones I could find.  Next time we will just have to use colored pencils instead.

In science we were supposed to start a new body system but I didn't get to the library in time to get more books.  So, I will be going to the library tomorrow.  We are going to do the nervous system and respiratory system and then we will be done with the human body.  Then we will learn a little about the five senses and general health, nutrition, hygene, etc. until Christmas break.  We will start a new unit in science in January.  Today we just read a a couple more random books I had at the house.

This book is really about the nervous system but we read it anyway!

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