Wednesday, October 12, 2011

We have been doing school this week but I haven't taken many pictures.  Monday we did our normal reading/phonics and math.  Gavin is learning the 100s place and making numbers with place value cards like 145 etc.  We did read two books about the Mayflower crossing and then made a Mayflower ship out of a milk carton.

These are the books we read.

This is a great book because it has actual photographs.  The people at Plymouth Plantation took out the replica Mayflower II and sailed in while they were in costume so it has really great pictures.  We really looked at the pictures and read the captions (which were fairly detailed) and talked about it because the book itself is a bit much for Gavin to just read.

Today we talked about digestion.  We read these two books.

For our experiment Gavin and Austin took a bite of Saltine cracker and kept it in their mouth without chewing to see what would happen.

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