Friday, October 28, 2011

This morning we continued to practice telling time to the hour.  Gavin matched clocks to the digital time shown on the clock. 

Austin finished his caterpillar craft from Wednesday.

Gavin learned about how artists use lines today in art.  We studied the Japanese woodcutting, "The Warrior Hero Minamoto no Yoshitsune" by Kiyohiro to see how the artist used lines to tell as story even though there is no color like in a painting.
Then Gavin drew a picture of one of his (Actually Austin's) lacing toys using lines.

In science we learned more about our five senses and learned about how our ears work.  Then we made a Jack o'lantern pizza and talked about how we used our five senses to make a pizza.  We smelled the tomatoes and herbs in the sauce, felt the cold, soft cheese, smelled the spices in the pepperoni and felt the heat of the oven when we put it in to cook.  We also used our sense of hearing to listen for the oven to beep telling us it was hot enough and when our pizza was done.

It was a basic pizza but we put a Jack o'lantern face on top!

Here's what it looked like before we finally got to use our sense of taste!

Today Austin and I read these books:

Gavin and I read these books:

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