Wednesday, October 26, 2011

This morning Gavin and Austin got to watch a video about the life of Joseph since we have finished reading about him.  Then Austin and I read 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar' again and Austin painted an egg carton caterpillar.  We will finish him (the caterpillar) on Friday.

Gavin worked on cursive letter 'x' and then went ahead in his phonics book since I was apparently taking too long with Austin.

In math we reviewed telling time.  Then we played a matching game - matching clocks with the digital time shown on the clock.  It was just to the hour so Gavin didn't have any trouble with this.

Then we did the matching game we did yesterday matching the minute to the hour like 3 and :15.

I found a book about Renaissance painters that had a few pages about Michelangelo so we read that and then Gavin became 'Gavinangelo' and had to draw a Bible scene on the bottom of the Sistene Chapel, otherwise known as a piece of paper taped to the bottom of the kitchen table.  And he used crayons rather then paint.  He drew Joseph of course.  It was a little hard for Gavinangelo to get comfortable enough to draw.

In history we just read a few chapters in our Pilgrim book.
Today was the Halloween party at the boys school.  Austin went as a little knight.  He was very proud of his 'armor'.

Gavin was a Viking.  Here they are together.

Gavin did a ghost craft with his friends.
Then it was time to eat!  Austin decided to join the class by this time...he never turns away from a meal.

And the costume parade.  Austin had pretty much decided to join his brothers' class by this time.

Then it was time for more games - like this skeleton puzzle.

That was our day!

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