Monday, October 31, 2011

This morning Austin sorted fall colored pom poms into a muffin pan.  That was all he did school-wise, then he went off to play.

Gavin read out of his phonics reader.  He also read two books for Book It today.  He's already halfway through with November and the month hasn't even started yet!  He really wants another pizza!

In math we read another book about telling time that revolved around a soccer game.  Gavin really enjoyed the book and we moved the hands on our clock to follow along and figure out the time. 

For the rest of math today we focused on the concept of half.  First I drew two squares on the white board and Gavin put his finger in the middle of the squares.  We did this several times with the squares at different distances and Gavin did a great job with it. 

Then I drew half of an object on the white board and Gavin had to draw the other half to match.  This was difficult for him but we did several objects and he got a little better.  But it explains a lot about his artwork...

Then we got out the geoboard.  I made a shape and Gavin had to find different ways to cut the shape in half.  This was easy for him too!

Then we divided tiles in half.

We finished learning about our senses today and Gavin finished his paper body by adding his face, complete with eyes, ears, mouth and nose.

He glued his face to his body...

And paper Gavin is finished!  Gavin suggested we hand it up for decoration for Halloween and somehow that seems fitting.

This is the book we read for math.

These are the books we read for science.

And we are about halfway done with this book.  We are enjoying it and learning a lot so I'm not rushing to get through with it.

It's not officially November but I went ahead and switched to the new month anyway.  Our artist this month is Pablo Picasso and our composer is Frederic Chopin. 

Our Bible verses are Psalm 100:1-5

Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth.
Worship the Lord with gladness;
come before Him with joyful songs.
Know that the Lord is God.
It is He who made us, and we are His;
we are His people, the sheep of His pasture.

Enter His gates with thanksgiving
and his courts with praise;
give thanks to Him and praise His name.
For the Lord is good and His love endures forever.
His faithfulness continues through all generations.

These verses seemed fitting for Thanksgiving time.  Here is our poem of the month:

First Thanksgiving of All
by Nancy Byrd Turner

Peace and Mercy and Jonathan,
And Patience (very small),
Stood by the table giving thanks
The first Thanksgiving of all.
There was very little for them to eat,
Nothing special and nothing sweet;
Only bread and a little broth,
And a bit of fruit (and no tablecloth);
But Peace and Mercy and Jonathan
And Patience, in a row,
Stood up and asked a blessing on
Thanksgiving, long ago.

Thankful they were their ship had come
Safely across the sea;
Thankful they were for hearth and home,
And kin and company;
They were glad of broth to go with their bread,
Glad their apples were round and red,
Glad of mayflowers they would bring
Out of the woods again next spring.
So Peace and Mercy and Jonathan,
And Patience (very small),
Stood up gratefully giving thanks
The first Thanksgiving of all.

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