Monday, October 17, 2011

This morning in reading we introduced long vowel sounds and Gavin did some blends with long vowels as well as short vowels.  Then he practiced writing cursive letter 'y' and wrote down the beginning blends in some longer words I said like radish and gondola.

In math we worked some more on adding 1 and 2 to numbers over 10.  Then we did some simple addition problems where we switched the numbers to make a new equation like 2+3=5 and 3+2=5 and talked about why they had the same answer.

Austin joined us a little bit today. He did a leaf matching worksheet and then he played with his bird color matching game and the Colorama game.

In science we read a couple books about the brain and nervous system.  For our first experiment, Gavin put one hand in ice cold water and one hand in hot water and then put both hands in lukewarm water to trick his brain.  His hands still felt like they were in water of two different temperatures even though they were in the same bowl of water.

Then we did an experiment to show how the brain learns.  I brought up a puzzle from downstairs that Gavin hasn't done in a while.  He did it three times while I timed him.  The first time it took him 2 min 45 seconds, the second time it took him 1 min 30 seconds and the third time it took him 1 min 15 seconds.  We talked about how the brain remembers what we have done before and the more often we do something the easier it is for us to do.

Austin played with the Joey Dress Up while Gavin did his puzzle.

Then the boys colored a picture of their brain and glued it to their paper bodies.

After school Austin found the stethoscope and listened to Gavin's heart.

Here are the books we read today.

And here are the games Austin played this morning.

We also continued to read the story of Joseph.  We've just been reading it from the Bible because the kids Bibles leave out most of the story so it doesn't totally make sense.  We read the chapter where the brothers were in Egypt and Joseph made them go get Benjamin and bring him back to Egypt.

We have just a couple chapters of Pilgrim Boy left and we will finish Despereaux by the end of the week.

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