Friday, January 27, 2012

I didn't take too many pictures this morning.  Gavin reviewed place values to the 100s place in math.  In history we learned about Paul Revere.  Wednesday we had read the comic book that just focused on his famous ride, today we read a more complete biography (although still a children's picture book so it wasn't super detailed) and then we read Henry Wadsworth Longfellow's 'The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere'.  We were supposed to do science today but I'm thinking about changing the plans on our weather unit.  Since we finished thunderstorms we were going to learn about hurricanes and tornados and then be done, but Gavin already seems nervous about natural disasters and I started to worry that if we spend a couple weeks learning about them it might make it worse...or it might make it better, I'm not sure.  I am going to try and decide what to do this weekend.

Anyway, after we read about Revere Gavin drew a Norman Rockwell inspired picture of an everyday event.  His event was watching the birds at our bird feeder with his brother.  It's hard to see but the feeder does kind of look like our bear bird feeder.

Then Gavin had to draw an American Revolution battle plan like George Washington (he is a little obsessed about George Washington right now).  We have a book that is actually for adults that has different battles of the Civil War but for each battle there is a map of the terrain and where the soldiers were so we used this as a guide.  We discussed how to show different things on a map and looked at the maps in the book.  Then Gavin drew his own map.

And here it is!  The red lines are 10 British soldiers, the blue (short) lines are Patriot soldiers (they are all hiding behind a fence) then there are cannons and a river and row boats on the river.  Apparently the British plan to use the boats to cross the river and the Patriots are going to stay behind the fence.  The orange arrows show the movement of the British troops.

These are the books we read today.

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