Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Yesterday Gavin wasn't feeling well.  Actually, after throwing up on the couch, he seemed to feel much better.  As unpleasant as that was, the slipcover needed to be dry cleaned anyway and that's why I picked out a couch with a slipcover.  Regardless, we didn't do school.  Gavin did watch five or six episodes of Liberty's Kids, a cartoon about the American Revolution that is surprisingly historically accurate.  He learned about the Stamp Act, the Intolerable Acts, Phyllis Wheatley, Paul Revere, Patrick Henry, Benjamin Franklin and the start of the war at Lexington and Concord.  Then we read a book about the Boston Tea Party and another book (it's actually a comic book) about the Boston Massacre.

Today we were back on our normal schedule.  In math we reviewed even and odd numbers and practiced counting by twos.  Gavin laid out dot cards and had to identify them as even or odd.  Then he counted them (by twos) and put the correct number underneath the dot cards.

We also did some counting by twos on the abacus.  We learned that when you add two to an even number the answer is always even and when you add two to an odd number the answer is always odd.

In science we learned about thunder and lightning.  We were going to do an experiment but I forgot to freeze ice colored with blue food coloring so we will have to do it tomorrow.

This book is just an African legend about thunder and lightning.  Gavin thought it was funny!

And, the baby's room is finally 100% done!  Here is the beautiful bookcase Steven made for her.  It turned out perfectly!  There are a couple things on it right now that will have to be removed when she starts crawling but it's mostly holding books and toys.

And, plan A for over the crib didn't work out, so we went with plan B.  I think it turned out cute even if it was plan B.  The white dresses have flowers embroidered on them and the pink dress has white lace trim.  It's supposed to look like a clothesline but I used a ribbon instead of string.

Yesterday afternoon, after dropping off the couch slipcover at the dry cleaners, I stopped by the fire department to make sure the infant car seat is correctly installed so we are officially completely ready for her arrival!  Gavin is counting down the days until her due date when we do circle time in the morning and look at our calendar.

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