Thursday, January 12, 2012

Yesterday Austin colored for a little bit and then he left us to play with firemen toys.  In the last couple of weeks he has gotten really into firemen for some reason.

In math Gavin worked on finding parts to a whole (addition and subtraction).  First he used his abacus and tally marks, then he found the third part using his circle graph.

It was a beautiful day yesterday!  Of course, today we have snow and school's are cancelled.  But yesterday Austin played outside while Gavin was at school since he wasn't going to sleep during naptime.  He is wearing his fireman hat but he has it on backwards.  He even wore it when he laid down for a nap.

We finished Norman Rockwell.  Next week we will do our art project.

We read another chapter of George Washington.  Our project was supposed to be making hoecakes for dinner but since it was so nice outside I let the boys play outside instead.  We may make them today.

We read two more chapters of George Washington.

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