Thursday, January 12, 2012

This morning we had another ultrasound to see about how much our little girl weighs.  Apparently I am somehow measuring three weeks behind, but, she is weighing in at 5 lbs 12 ounces, putting her in the 54th percentile so she's right where she should be!  Only about four weeks left!  We are all very excited to meet her!

Today was a snow day for the boys.  However, since we took Monday off due to a late night on Sunday, Gavin and I went ahead and did homeschool in the afternoon while Austin was supposed to be napping.  He has been trying to drop his naps but I don't think he's quite ready for it yet.

Anyway, we did our language and reading.  In math we worked more on finding parts to a whole.  Since that didn't take long we played a math game called 'Inchimals'.  It's a measuring, addition, subtraction game and once Gavin got the hang of it he seemed to like it.

In science we finished up wind and air pressure.  We did two experiments today to show how hot hair expands and cold air contracts.  First, we put a balloon on the top of an empty bottle (remembering how the bottle has air in it even though we can't see it as we learned in our experiment Tuesday) to trap the air inside.  Then we placed the bottle in boiling water and watched as the air expanded.

Then we put the bottle in a bowl of ice and watched the balloon contract.

Then we took the balloon off and put the bottle back in the boiling water.

Then we quickly put the lid on the bottle and placed it in the bowl of ice to see what would happen to the pressure in the bottle.  The bottle collapsed on itself when the air cooled.

Gavin recorded his experiments in his science journal.  He still draws pictures to record experiments rather than write his findings.

Then we made a wind streamer out of an oatmeal box, construction paper, star stickers and crepe paper.  First he glued construction paper on the oatmeal box...

...then he added star stickers for decoration.

Austin was up by this time and he decided he wanted to paint.

Finally, he taped crepe paper to the inside of the oatmeal box.

These are the books we read today.

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