Thursday, January 5, 2012

Today we did our two science experiments.  First, we laid out some grapes in the sun.  We are going to try and make raisins.  This might work better in the summer but we are going to try it and see what happens.  We will let you know in a couple days.

Then we did an experiment to test how the sun effects things (this is the reason for the raison experiment too).  We will be learning how the sun effects the weather so this is just a couple simple ways to make it something Gavin can 'see'. 

First we put two thermometers in two bottles (one in each obviously).  Then we covered one bottle with white construction paper and the other with black constrction paper and set them outside in the sun.  We set our timer in 30 minute intervals and checked our temperatures four times this morning.  We learned that the black bottle was warmer then the white bottle and talked about why.  Gavin's hypothesis was the white bottle would be warmer but it was just a guess, not based on any scientific knowledge.  He recorded his findings in his science journal.

I didn't take many pictures this morning but here are a few of Gavin doing math.  He had to make the number I said in three ways, using tally marks, his abacus and his fingers.

I think this is the 'why-are-you-making-me-do this' look.

Today was technically history day not science day so we read another chapter in this book.  It was about Washington during the French and Indian War.

We also read the first half of this book about Norman Rockwell.  We will finish the second half next week and then do a Rockwell-inspired art project.

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