Friday, June 4, 2010


Today we painted and Austin got to join the fun.  Austin really wants to do crafts with us but he's just not old enough but he's been getting really mad when we are doing art stuff even though I try to keep him entertained with other things.  So today the older kids painted and Austin got to play with finger paints.  He lasted maybe 5 minutes and made a huge mess, but he had fun!

Austin is trying to pour more paint on his picture...

So the question it worth the mess?

After we had cleaned up we went outside to play for a little while.

After lunch and naps, we did a ladybug craft.  Gavin has been learning about Delaware and the ladybug is their state insect so we've been reading about ladybugs.  We are trying to go through all the states and learn where they are (or at least about where they are) and learn something about the state and famous people/events/etc from that state.  Anyway, they glued spots onto the wing shell, added googly eyes and pipe cleaner antennas and then I put brads on the top of the wing shell with wings underneath so you can spread out the wing shell and the wings to make the ladybug fly.

Austin really wanted to make a ladybug too!

After all that we still had time to take a walk on the trail before dinner!

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