Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day

I hope everyone enjoyed their Father's Day today.  We kept it low key.  Last year we took Dad on a picnic so of course that's what Gavin wanted to do this year too.  So, that's what we did.  Maybe I can convince him to try something else next year.  The day started off like any other with church this morning.  The kids were supposed to wear their Vacation Bible School t-shirts which is why Gavin is wearing a t-shirt...normally he looks a little nicer for church.  We did have apple cinnamon muffins, that was special!

Then we had lunch and let the babies have their nap.  Gavin watched Brazil play the Ivory Coast in the World Cup.  Then we got our picnic ready and went to the park.  Nothing fancy, just a baguette with goat cheese (from the goat farm we went to on our field trip), cheese, grapes, blueberries, watermelon, cherry tomatoes, carrot sticks and pepperoni.  It was good though and nice because it was hot outside although I didn't think it was that bad in the shade.  The bank said 97 degrees when we were on our way home but I don't think it was that hot.  As always, Austin was ready to eat as soon as I set down the picnic basket.

Finally, Gavin told Dad he could open his present.  First the card, which Gavin had to read for him.

It's says 'World's Greatest Dad' in case you can't see it.  Then the present...

...which Gavin had to explain to him.

Gavin painted the frame and the letters almost completely by himself.  He also picked out the colors and told me where to glue the fish (I used gorilla glue so I wouldn't let him glue them there's a hook).

Then it was back to the creek for some water fun!  I got this sailboat a couple years ago on clearance and have been waiting for the perfect time to get it out.  Today was the day!  Gavin thought it was neat and took his job as captain very seriously!

The little ones had fun throwing rocks in the water, as always.  I'm not sure what the fascination is, but I think they could throw rocks all day if I let them.

And, Dad found a crayfish in the water, or what was left of it after something ate it.  Kind of gross, but we had fun examining it.
We made cupcakes too but by the time we got home it was too late to eat them.  I'll try to remember to take a picture tomorrow to post.  They are grill cupcakes with little hot dogs on them.

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