Thursday, June 17, 2010

More Soccer!

I had thought that a week of soccer might turn Gavin off to the game, but it seems to be having the opposite effect.  Today was his last practice and he told me on his way home he wanted to come back every summer.  There is another session in July so I guess I'll have to sign him up for that one too!

Anyway, Austin has discovered the barn.  I noticed the last couple of times we've gone to the library (we go regularly) he enjoyed playing with their barn and animals so I brought our barn and animals up from the basement.  He's been playing with it a lot, with the help of his big brother of course!

Sometimes Austin loses his pants.  Usually it's because he's wiggling too much when I try to change him so I just let him go instead of trying to hold him down and put on his pants.

Gavin and I are still in Pennsylvania.  We have two chapters left of Ben Franklin.  We also read a great book about Rachel Carson yesterday.  We haven't done much work in our notebook this week but we did get a couple things done yesterday.  Gavin found a picture of a pretty place in Pennsylvania to add.
While the kids were napping Gavin trimmed the branches on the one tree we have in our yard.

When the babies got up we all went outside to play.

Then we came back was really hot.  Austin is trying to ride on his push toys but is having a little trouble getting on them.  If I try to help he just gets off and tries to do it himself again.

Here are some pictures of Gavin's soccer camp from yesterday.  FYI - He's worn the USA jersey all week but don't worry, I've been washing it!  It's his USA soccer jersey and he has to wear it to play soccer.

Austin is required to put his pants back on when we leave the house...wiggling or not!

Austin kept trying to brush his hair but it was very tricky with a hat on!
Yesterday Gavin also had is weekly soccer class in the morning.  When he got there he promptly went up to his soccer coach and told him that he was going to soccer camp where 'real' soccer players were teaching him.  He is all about playing with the college kids.  Luckily, his coach didn't take it too personally.

Today Austin worked on stacking.  Austin got this for Christmas and I thought it would still be too hard for him because it's so small but he did a great job!

Then he discovered he could put the round pieces on the edge and spin them around and that was very exciting!

We also finished Dad's Father's Day present today.  Then Gavin and I put together a puzzle.

Along with the barn, Austin also discovered the tractor!  This morning he was standing in the middle of the living room and the tractor was in front of him.  He reached down and pushed the tractor across the living room, still on his feet, and then stood back up without dropping to his knees once.  Why isn't he walking yet?

Tonight it was more soccer!

Gavin was the goalie in that last picture!  I think the babies and I are about soccered out even if Gavin isn't!

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