Tuesday, June 29, 2010

A Beautiful Day and Gallaping Horses

Today was beautiful!  We spent all morning outside enjoying it!  Austin tried to take all the dirt out of my potted flowers.

Our mini sunflowers are finally blooming!
Austin seriously considered trying his luck on his brother's bike.
But then changed his mind.
The boys played with the farm animals and tractors in the grass.
Austin got distracted when the garbage truck came by.
While the kids were sleeping we read about Molly Pitcher, horses and bees.  Then we did a horse craft.  Austin woke up in time to help with the horse craft.

Austin is always very interested in what his big brother is doing.
But eventually he entertained himself by taking markers out of the bin and putting them back in.
When the girls woke up we went back outside.

After dinner the girls worked on their horses while Gavin (sort of) entertained Austin so we could get it done.
Here's the results!

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