Saturday, June 5, 2010

Happy Trails Day!

Today we celebrated National Trails Day by visiting our trail but we started from a park about 5 minutes (we drove) from our house.  We talked to a man from the Audubon Society who had a pet falcon there.  He very patiently answered lots of questions that Gavin had about birds and his falcon.  We also talked to some conservation people and a forester.  We went down the trail for a little bit and then went to another park where some local artists were displaying their creations.  Gavin tried his hand at pottery.  For some reason he didn't want to get muddy so he didn't really get to into it.

After lunch and naps we went outside and played in the pool!  It was super hot today so the pool was the only outside option.

Gavin was pouring water over his head...
...which Austin found hilarious!

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