Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Cherry Pie and Cherry Crisp

As was posted previously, a couple of weeks ago Gavin and I went up to see Uncle R.G. and pick tart cherries. Well, after pitting nearly two gallons of cherries, I intend to make full use of them. A couple of days after picking, I made this cherry crisp:

Served hot with a generous portion of black cherry ice cream, it turned out quite tasty.

This past weekend I decided to try a cherry pie. I cheated and bought a box of Jiffy pie dough mix, but at least a little skill went into preparing the filling and rolling out the dough. I know some skill was involved with the dough part, because I managed to tear it. You can see my repair, as well as the fact that I didn't quite get the seal tight and had some issues with the filling bubbling out at the seam. Oh well, not bad for my first pie.

Again, served hot with a little black cherry ice cream even a boxed-crust pie can be a treat.

Tonight, I'll use the last of the cherries in another crisp. That turned out a lot better than the pie (I've made apple crisps many times before), and Kristyn seems to prefer the crisp topping to pie crust.

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