Sunday, June 13, 2010

Not too much has been going on the last few days.  Last week Gavin had Vacation Bible School every evening from 5:30-8:30 so he was taking naps every afternoon with Austin so not much got done.  This week he is going to soccer camp but it's only from 6:00-7:30.  It's at a local college and the college coach and players are going to be the ones in charge.  Gavin now thinks he will be playing the college soccer players and that he will of course beat them...we are obviously struggling with arrogance right now.  I think it will do him some good to be with a lot of other kids his age playing soccer.

Thursday we picked some zucchini from our garden!  It was very exciting to see the first fruits (or should I say veggies) of our labor!  We've picked several more since then and so far they have all been delicious. 

Friday morning when I got up there wasn't a cloud in the sky so I thought it would be the perfect day to take the boys to the sprinklers.  By the time we had breakfast and were dressed it was cloudy so I checked the radar and it showed everything well away from us so we packed up our towels and headed out.  Well, we hadn't been there 15 minutes when it started to the time we got to the car we were all completely soaked, rain dripping down, the car getting soaked...  We enjoyed the 15 minutes of play but I'm not sure it was worth it!

Austin's face was really funny when it started to rain.  He knew he was supposed to be getting wet but wasn't too sure about the source!
Yesterday was so uneventful I don't even remember what we did.  We did go to the farmer's market in the morning and got some banana bread (a must in this house as both the boys love to have banana bread for breakfast) and some red potatoes that I cooked up for lunch with our zucchini and they were really good.  Maybe next year we can plant some potatoes.

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