Wednesday, June 16, 2010

A Visit From a Red Eared Slider

Saturday night Kristyn went shopping for groceries after the boys went to bed. When she got home, she found a huge red eared slider (an aquatic turtle) on the driveway. She came inside and got me. I brought the turtle inside, and Kristyn woke up Gavin. He came into the living room to look at it, then turned around without a pause and went back to bed. The next morning he had no recollection of us getting him up to see the turtle, but he was excited to see the turtle that morning. We kept it in a roomy box in the garage until after church, when we gave it a swim in the kiddie pool before releasing it.

After the swim, Gavin and I loaded the turtle back into the box and drove him to a small lake in our neighborhood. We released him near the edge, and true to his name he quickly slid into the underbrush. I think we picked a good home for him. At any rate, it has to be better than our driveway.

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