Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Painting and Soccer

Gavin and I are deep into Pennsylvania right now.  We are reading about Benjamin Franklin right now.  Last week we read about Betsy Ross and we read about Mary Cassatt on Friday and again on Monday which gave us a chance to talk about impressionist paintings.  So yesterday Gavin worked on his own impressionist painting and it turned out really good!  He started mixing different shades of greens and yellows.

When the background was dry he added some flowers.
Then, this morning, he added a deer I printed off the computer and cut out (because we've been reading about deer too since it's Pennsylvania's state animal).  And he has a deer in a meadow!

The circle to the right of the buck is a 'doe' he painted so the buck wouldn't be lonely.

Austin has shown lots of interest in hangers while I'm doing laundry...I'm hoping that this will develop into a love of doing laundry as he gets older.

He also got to play with an empty milk carton...why?  Because while I'm folding laundry he gets to play with anything that distracts him so he doesn't throw my neat laundry piles onto the floor!

If it works, it works...I don't question it...

Sometimes I think Calla just finds it all a bit strange and I can't really say I blame her.

Austin is really beginning to enjoy playing with Hot Wheels.  He usually doesn't spend too much time on the toddler vehicles because Gavin doesn't pay much attention to them and he's already figured out that whatever Gavin is interested in has got to be the most exciting thing in the room!

Today we worked on Father's Day presents.  I would like to post pictures but due to the top secret and classified nature of the activity unfortunately I am unable to do so at this time.

Gavin loves his soccer camp!  I tried to take pictures but I can't take action shots with my camera without it being blurry.  But Austin and Calla kept themselves busy tossing a ball back and forth and watching the older kids running all over the place.  Austin was also entertained by a hairbrush and lipstick case from my purse along with his big brother's soccer bag.

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