Friday, March 11, 2011

Birds of Prey

We have continued to learn about birds this week.  We took a break on Wednesday but yesterday we read about bird of prey and today we started owls.  We will be learning about owls for the next three or four days because owls are just neat animals.  This morning Gavin made an owl mask and Austin colored a little bit.
Austin quickly tired of coloring so I got out his bird color matching game.  Today he matched all the birds to the correct color egg all by himself for the first time!  Gavin and I were so excited!  We cheered and clapped after each bird went down so Austin got really excited too!
Then we went outside and hung up some nesting material for the birds.
Few things make me happier than the sight of tulips coming up!  Spring is on it's way!!!!  We've seen some robins too.  Thanks to our Burgess Book of Birds we now know that Robins are one of the first birds back in the Spring.
Here are some books we have been reading.
We happened to read the chapter about an eagle the day we were learning about birds of prey so that worked out nicely!

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