Sunday, March 20, 2011

This weekend has been beautiful!  We have really enjoyed getting outside!  Gavin and I worked on making Easter shirts.  I made one for Austin and painted the eggs and grass on Gavin's shirt and Gavin decorated his eggs and painted ladybugs, a caterpillar and a snake in his grass.  It's a little early but I wanted the boys to be able to wear them for a while before the holiday.  We used 3D puffy fabric paints that are glittery when dry and super bright - very pretty!

Here is Gavin's finished shirt.

And here is Austin's finished shirt.

It is officially toad catching season.  Gavin caught the first toad of the season today.  Unfortunately, Austin was napping and missed the excitement.

It's also, "Look Mom, I found a worm" season.  Austin really liked the worms and wasn't the least bit concerned about touching them.

Gavin was nice enough to find a baby worm to show his brother.

Gavin was helping dad get the garden soil ready for planting.  We have pansies coming out and lots of budding plants and trees!  Woo Hoo!

While the older boys were working hard, Austin was hard at work playing in the yard.

We also found time to take a nice long walk on the trail today.  All in all, we had a good weekend.

We also finished Mrs. Piggle Wiggle so we started reading another Thornton Burgess book about Peter Rabbit.  Peter Rabbit also stars in the bird book we are reading but it is more about the birds then Peter, information wise at least.  We learned about Pelicans on Friday.  We colored pelicans and read about them in some of the same books we have been reading that are broken into sections.

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