Tuesday, March 1, 2011


This morning we learned more about feathers and wings.  Gavin got to do a feather experiment (he loves experiments!).  We put a feather in a bowl of water and noticed how it floats and the back of the feather stayed dry.  Then we added oil to this bowl and added a second bowl with water and dish soap in it (to simulate what goes down the drain) to see what would happen.  The feathers didn't stay dry in either bowl and they started to sink when oil or dish soap were mixed in with the water.

Then we did a craft.  Austin got to glue feathers to a piece of construction paper and Gavin painted a bird with watercolors.

The hooked thing at the top of the page is the birds beak...it's a bird of prey.

The bird under the beak is a sparrow getting eaten by the bigger bird.

It's taken a while, but Austin has finally discovered the joy of cars!

Here's our art projects after they dried.

This is the book we read today.  We read some more from the Burgess bird book as well.  I can tell it's a good book because when Jenny Wren announced she had seven eggs in her nest Gavin started laughing and clapped!

We also read Mercy Watson just for fun.  We love Mercy Watson!

And, we went out on the trail today for the first time since the fall.  So, between the experiment, craft and getting to go on the trail it was pretty much a perfect day at our house!

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