Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Owl Wrap Up

Today we finished owls (for some reason when I posted yesterday I was thinking today was going to be Thursday and we have soccer Thursday mornings so we don't get much done around the house).  Anyway, we finished up owls in our Liberty Christian Reader and read Owl Babies, an old favorite about three baby owls.  We watched an owl and it's babies on a web cam online.  That was very exciting!

Gavin has been working on an owl lapbook.  Here are the pictures of today's owl activities.

First Gavin labeled an owl.  He figured out how to spell 'wing' all by himself!  This is the first time he has spelled a new word without help!

He answered some questions.  He had actually already answered them but I had him circle the answers so we could include the pages in his lapbook.

He colored an

He read his bird sight words with a Tinkerbell pointer.

Here is his lapbook.  We stapled the worksheets together behind the labeling page.

He chose six of his favorite facts he learned about owls and glued them into the owl flaps (a bit too much writing for him to do right now so this worked nicely).  The extra facts we just put in the folder.

He wrote 'a wise old owl' and a couple days ago he had glued different species of owls in an accordian flap.

In honor of St. Patrick's Day tomorrow, I made an Irish soda bread and Gavin made clover sugar cookies, dyed green with food coloring.
All that was just in the morning.  This afternoon Austin played with his cars outside for about an hour before we went to pick up Gavin.  Then we played on the playground at school for almost an hour.  Then we came home and played outside for another hour.  It was beautiful outside!

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