Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Woodpeckers and Turkeys

Yesterday Gavin and I read about woodpeckers and today we read about turkeys and game birds.  After we read about turkeys today Gavin and Austin both painted a castle bird house (Austin's was more of a turret but it was big enough for him).  They both worked really hard on their bird houses and took this project very seriously.
Austin of course got done first so he played with his piggy bank and his stacking toy while he waited for Gavin to finish his project.
Here are the finished bird houses.  Both turned out very nicely!
Gavin read Austin his "Itsy Bitsy Spider" book.  Who knew there were so many verses?
Then he read Sir James and the making of a Knight to Austin after I read it to him (Gavin) again.
Here are the books we have read yesterday and today (some we are just reading certain sections or chapters, like this DK Eye Wonder Book and the Special Wonders book).
That's been our week so far.  I made chili in the slow cooker and we have been smelling it for hours.  I've never made chili before and I am really hoping it tastes as good as it smells or it will be a big disappointment!

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