Tuesday, March 29, 2011

More Water Birds

This morning when I told Austin it was time to get dressed he marched into his room, opened his pajama drawer and pulled out his Elmo pajamas he got yesterday...so today he wore his Elmo pajamas (which claimed to be 2T but barely fit over his big stomach now).

Today we learned about ducks and geese.  We read some good books (two were old favorites of Gavin's) and then did a duck craft.  The craft was more for Austin, it was way too easy for Gavin.

Gavin played lots of soccer today.

Austin liked Duck on a Bike but it's a little long for him still.  I think Gavin was three when he really liked this book.  It's a good story and has wonderful pictures!

Only three chapters left in Mr. Popper's Penguins.  Austin was nice enough to add decoration in crayon to the cover today.  He will color on anything and he's figured out how to get into the art closet and get out the crayons and how to get them out of their container.

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