Friday, March 25, 2011

Sick Days

This week has been kind of crazy.  Tuesday we went on a field trip with Gavin's school to see Cirque d'Montage for a special performance for local schools.  Wednesday Gavin started complaining about his ear hurting and yesterday he was in a lot of pain.  This morning that was better but he was throwing up although by noon he seemed to be feeling fine.

So, yesterday we went in the morning to get some ear drops from the drugstore and I got Gavin a Cars coloring book.  I say that because he spent most of the afternoon and evening coloring in it.  He has been drawing a lot lately, much more than he ever used too.  Anyway, the drops seemed to work well and after a while he watched a DVD with his brother.  We have the Adventures from the Book of Virtues DVD that includes three: Adventures in Courage, Adventures in Honesty and Adventures in Faith.  They watched Adventures in honesty.  It has great stories, some we have read and some were new.  They boys enjoyed watching it!
He also felt well enough to read a some books about knights, Nathan Hale (a new favorite) a few chapters in our Burgess Bird Book and a few chapters in the Burgess Peter Rabbit book.

I've kind of mixed up the pictures but this is the boys watching the DVD.

And here they are coloring after their bath.

Today was the only day all week we've worked on birds.  We learned about tropical birds and parrots.  I gave Gavin this maze to do just because he loves mazes.  He finished all the mazes in his coloring book first thing.

Then he drew a new picture for the bird book he is making.  This is a king parrot and it says 'Parrots eat fruit'.

Then the boys both made a parrot out of a toilet paper roll and construction paper.

Austin was walking around with two pairs of glasses on: sunglasses and safety glasses.  For the number of times he falls and hits his head the safety glasses are a good idea.

The boys played with Duplos.

Here are the books we read today!

This is a really good book about a brother and sister that take a trip to France.  It talks about all the highlights and the food.  It forgets to mention escargot which Gavin quickly pointed out between the buttery, cheesy bread and crepes.

We only have two chapters left in our Bird Book.  I think we might try Mr. Popper's Penguins next.  I think Gavin can follow it.  If not we'll try something else.

And we are still reading Peter Cottontail at bedtime!

This evening Gavin got a little anatomy lesson.  I had bought a ham before Thanksgiving when they were having a 'buy a ham get a free turkey' promotion and so our free turkey has been in our freezer (all 24 1/2 pounds of it!) ever since.  So, tomorrow we are having Thanksgiving in March.  Anyway, he was very interested when I pulled all the things out of the cavity but refused to touch any of it!

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