Saturday, March 5, 2011


I seem to be a day late this week! It has been warmer this week so we have been trying to get outside as much as possible.  Austin is really enjoying the vehicles around the house this week.

And, I think Austin may be the only one-year-old who knows the word 'knight' and knows what a knight is...not the textbook definition of course but he can identify both knights and their gear and he knows what to do with them.  He really likes to play knights with Gavin which makes Gavin very happy.

This week we learned about feathers and beaks and wings.  We have been reading two or three chapters a day in our Burgess book and we are still enjoying it.

We read about beaks and wings in our Nature Reader (each animal is broken into different topics so it's easy to just read what you need to know at the moment.  We read the feathers section the other day so we read beaks and wings section.).

We looked at pictures of different beaks and wings in our Eyewitness Book.

We started learning about songbirds on Friday.  This is a really nice book that just has two or three pages devoted to about a dozen different birds.  We read the mockingbird section yesterday.

And we read these books for fun!

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