Saturday, March 26, 2011

Thanksgiving in Spring!

Last fall one of the local grocery stores was running a special in which they gave away a turkey with any purchase of a ham. Kristyn took advantage, and we've had a 25-pound turkey in the freezer ever since. That is, until now. Kristyn roasted the turkey today and prepared all the usual Thanksgiving sides, including sweet potatoes, dressing, mashed potatoes, green beans, and rolls. We had quite a feast, and will be enjoying leftovers for quite some time. We were too hungry to remember to take a picture of the turkey before I carved it, but here's a plateful of goodness.

Austin really enjoyed what made it past his cheeks and chin, and into his mouth.

Kristyn didn't plan it this way, but the weather today has been much more befitting of Thanksgiving than it has March 26. I'm not sure I've ever seen a year of snow like this.

After dinner, Austin spent a good amount of time hiding behind the china hutch, emerging to say "boo," then retreating back behind the hutch.

Finally, as noted in Kristyn's previous posts Gavin had an ear ache last Wednesday and Thursday. He's had gunk coming out of his ear the last few nights. Tonight I was cleaning out his ear and amid the gunk I found the likely culprit causing his problems. When Gavin was 2, he had tubes inserted in his ears to drain fluid from his ear drums. Everything I've read says tubes generally come out on their own within 6-12 months. Well, three years later, what did I find?

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