Monday, March 14, 2011

Owls and Snow?

So the other day I was so excited to see tulips coming up and today we got eight inches of snow!  We stayed nice and warm inside.  The boys played with Play-Doh, cars and of course, knights.  I didn't take a lot of pictures...sorry!
We have been reading from this book in the mornings at breakfast.

Our poem this month is "Daffodils" by William Wordsworth:

And "Pippa's Song" by Robert Browning:

We are past the half way mark in the Burgess book.
We read more about owls today.  Gavin did an owl maze and copied 'a wise old owl'.  He also started working on an Owl Lapbook.  He is working on his own bird book as well this week.  I'll post pictures when he's done.
We read about Great Horned Owls in Special Wonders...
...and in Strangest Things.
At night we have been reading Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle.  I forgot to post it last week.  We have two chapters left and Gavin is really enjoying it!

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