Thursday, March 31, 2011


Today we started penguins!  We read a couple books about them and compared how big the biggest penguin, the Emperor Penguin, is compared to Gavin.  So we measured and weighed Gavin and then Gavin measured his stuffed penguin.

Austin did a penguin matching game.  He did a great job and loved it!  I did two matches for him to show him what to do and then he took over.  He played several 'games'.

Gavin drew a penguin.

Here's the final product...complete with icebergs.

Then, while Austin was napping this afternoon, Gavin did a puzzle.

When Austin woke up we made penguins from a paper plate.

After I took their picture with the penguins Gavin wanted a picture with just his brother.

Here are the books we read today.
This book had wonderful pictures!

We also read some penguin poems.  Our favorite was this one:

The Polite Penguins by Adelaide Love

Penguins are very polite, you know.
They live where it's usually forty below
And there's nothing but wind and ice and snow.
But the penguins are very polite.

Whenever a vessel comes to explore
The land that few people have seen before,
The penguins all rush down to the shore.
Oh, the penguins are very polite!

In the black and white suits they always wear,
They stand with a dignified elegant air
And welcome the men with a friendly stare.
The penguins are very polite.

If they could, they would all say: "How do you do?"
And: "How does this climate agree with you?"
Or: "The sun will rise n a month or two."
Oh, the penguins are very polite!

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