Monday, March 21, 2011

Spring Cleaning

Today we decided to clean the windows and window screens.  I can't remember if I've mentioned or not on the blog, but Gavin has been working to earn money to adopt a bird from the National Wildlife Federation.  He is trying to earn $30 to adopt an eagle.  The only stipulation is that he does not get paid for doing his usual chores, he has to think of extra things to earn money.  Today he cleaned all my window screens for me! 

I have to say that I am very proud of him.  He cleaned every screen in the house, it took him almost two hours, and he worked diligently the whole time and did a great job.  I set him up with a spray bottle of soapy water, a rag and the garden hose and he took over from there.

He even cleaned the slliding screen on the back door without me asking him too (what he could reach at least)!

While I was cleaning the windows I noticed Austin had disappeared.  I found him playing in his closet.

When he was done with the screens, Gavin cleaned his bike and the baby bike which we brought upstairs yesterday because Austin doesn't want to ride on his baby riding toys anymore he wants to ride on a big bike like his brother.  It's too big for him still but it makes him happy.

I told Gavin I'd pay him $5 for his hard work.  Since he usually gets paid in nickels, dimes, and if he's lucky, quarters, this was a big payout and he was very happy!

Also, the boys both wore their Easter shirts today.  They looked very handsome!

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