Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Native Americans

This morning while I read to Austin, Gavin worked on spelling puzzle: as you put together the puzzle it spells the word in the picture.
Austin is still learning the letter 'E'.  He put egg stickers inside a big and small 'E'.  If Gavin or I ask "what does E say", Austin says "eh, eh, eh in elephant".

Then he sort of drew circles around the circles on his paper.  His circles kind of go all around the paper but you can see him trying to connect one end with the other evenutally.

Here is Austin finding the red objects on his paper.

Gavin finished up his puzzles while Austin did his work.

Then Austin played while Gavin worked on his phonics and math.  I was going to have him pick out 1 fish but he was so excited by the penguin that he just wanted to play with it so that's what we let him do.

Then he used a spoon to scoop up erasers and put them into a bowl.

Here is Gavin finishing up his phonics sheet.  He colored the pelican with five bright colors because he wanted him to be "an attract bird...so girl birds will be attracted to him".  Very thoughtful as always.

Austin played with his rainbow stacker.

Then Austin did an elephant craft.

Today in history we started learning about Native American tribes.  We read general information about the original Americans, where they came from and how they spread across the country and then we read some general information about Native Americans.  Then Gavin made a Native American bird mask.

Austin just colored while Gavin was working on his mask.

For lunch we ate egg sandwiches for the letter 'E'.

When lunch was over Gavin put feathers on his mask and then did an Indian warrior dance.

Austin had to try on the mask too!

Today Austin and I read these books.

Gavin and I read The Creation Story.  This book has beautiful pictures.

Then we looked through this book.  It has pictures of artifacts and paintings of Native American life.

At lunch we started reading about Eskimos...another 'E' word!

Tonight we are going to start reading this book before bed.


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