Monday, August 22, 2011

Yesterday Austin spent the afternoon wearing Gavin's hat, much to his (Austin's) delight!

This morning was Austin's last day of letter 'e'.  He was able to pick out both big 'E' and little 'e' on a paper and color them in.

He started this project last week and finished it today.  He glued big and little 'e' onto matching peanuts.

He put star stickers inside an oval to work on his fine motor control.

He played a color matching game.

Gavin worked on sounding out simple words.

While Austin did his shapes puzzle.  He'd been waiting all weekend to do this puzzle.  I switched out his toys on Friday evening and he happened to find this on Saturday and wanted to do it but I wouldn't let him.  It was very disappointing on Saturday but he made up for it today and did it several times!

In math, Gavin put numbers 0-10 in order.

He ran out of room so we had to move to the long side of the table!

Then he matched the numbers to the correct abacus card.  When he was done with that we got out the tally mark cards and he matched the numbers to the tally marks.

Then we made two rows 0-10.  I had Gavin go out into the living room and I switched a couple cards in each row.  Gavin had to find the mistake and correct it.

We did this for quite a while and each time I would switch around more cards so Gavin had to work harder to correct my mistakes.  He thought this game was really fun!

For our next project Gavin was painting so I let Austin hammer golf tees into a piece of styrofoam to practice his hand/eye coordination and gross motor skills.  And just for fun!

Last week we were learning about the sun and stars, this week we are learning about the planets.  Today Gavin did a planet craft.  He painted a styrofoam ball (which I had cut in half) and a CD with glow-in-the-dark paint.  When it dried we glued the styrofoam on either side of the CD to make a planet with 'rings'.

Here's what we ended up with.  And it really does glow!  It's in the boys' room tonight!

We read these books about planets.

We started this book before bed.  This week we will finish Vikings and next week we will learn about Christopher Columbus but we won't stay with him for long so we are starting this book now because it's a chapter book.

We read a couple Viking stories from Finding a New Land.  It has stories about different events in early American history, all just a few pages long, and all about interesting people or events.

We also watched Linnea in Monet's Garden...which is a wonderful story and a great DVD!

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