Thursday, August 4, 2011

Today Gavin practiced writing cursive letter 'u' and reviewed the sound letter 'e' makes.  He really likes writing in cursive!  In math he worked on making tally marks and using his abacus to represent numbers 1-10.  He also learned what parallel lines are.

He is learning how to tell if there is a middle object in a group.

Today Austin played his bird matching game, stacked his rainbow stacker and played with his peg board.

In history we are still learning about Native Americans.  Today we read about the Pueblo Indians in the southwest but we did a craft based on the northwest Indians we read about yesterday.  Gavin really likes the idea of totem poles so yesterday I found a couple of projects for him to do relating to totem poles.  We really wanted to do an outside totem pole craft we found in Family Fun magazine but we needed coffee cans and we didn't have any.  I was going to ask the neighbors but then we were wondering if they even put coffee in cans anymore?  Anyway, Gavin painted a northwest Indian house and colored the totem poles with markers.

Of course, Austin had to paint too!

After the paint dried, I put the house together and Gavin put the totem pole together.

Today we read about Adam and Eve getting kicked out of the garden.

And we continue to read about Indians in these chapter books.

Our first week of Kindergarten is over!  We had a good time and learned lots of new things!

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