Tuesday, August 23, 2011

This morning Austin started learning a new letter, letter 'A'!  He did an 'a' dot painting.

 Gavin read his blend ladders.  Blend ladders have one consonent with a vowel sound like ta, te, ti, tu, to.
Austin matched his planets and space flashcards.

He kept wanting to put the matching cards next to each other but there wasn't enough space so we had to stack them.

Gavin did a really good cursive 'n'.

Austin worked on his shapes puzzle.

Gavin read simple words.  He is getting better at sounding out the sounds in a word and putting them together.

Then he identified the beginning sound and beginning blends in words.

Austin matched his bugs to the correct color bug on the paper.

Then he worked on beading for a little while.  This is really tricky for him still.  He can get the end through the hole, but has trouble pushing it through enough to pull it out the other side.

In math Gavin worked on simple addition using his abacus and tally marks.

He is working on a layered Monet painting to match his Monet 'painting' with the tissue paper.  Last week he painted the water blue, today he added algae and lily pads.

Of course Austin had to paint too!

Here are the books we read today.

We didn't have a Viking project today but Gavin worked on his history journal, drawing pictures and writing sentences about Vikings.  So far he has, "Vikings are fierce." and "Viking explorers sailed dragon ships."  Thursday will be the last day of Vikings.

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