Friday, August 19, 2011

This morning I had a doctor's appointment so we didn't get much school done today. In case you didn't know, we are expecting baby #3 in February.  Hopefully everyone who reads this and is family already knows, if not I apologize.  Everything is looking good and we have our big ultrasound on September 30th so hopefully we'll find out if it's a boy or a girl. 

All we did today school-wise was history because I didn't want to get off on our science/history days.  We read a few more books about Vikings and then Gavin built a Viking ship.

This first book we more looked at the pictures then read.  It's a bit much for Gavin right now but it has great pictures of Scandanavia, Viking artifacts and pictures of Viking life taken at historical Viking villages in Norway.

Gavin really liked this book about longships.

We finished Leif the Lucky last night.

And we finished this book at lunch today.

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