Tuesday, August 9, 2011

This morning we read the story of Noah's Ark...always a favorite! 
Then Austin worked on finding the color green.  We circled them together and then he colored his worksheet.

I drew some pictures on the white board for Gavin and he had to figure out what vowel sound was in the word.  We are still working on 'i', 'e' and 'u' and today we also introduced 'a'.  He still gets his short 'i' and 'e' confused but he did much better today.

Austin worked at picking out the shape I called out.  He knows square, circle, triangle and star.  We are still working on oval, rectangle, diamond and heart.

Then he sorted some erasers by color.

Here is Gavin identifying short 'a' words.

He also wrote cursive letter 'a' today and reviewed cursive 'i', 'e' and 'u'.  He is doing a great job with his handwriting!  In math we got out the geoboard and practiced making different sized squares and rectangles.

Then I called out a number (we are still on 1-10) and Gavin had to show me the number with his fingers, his abacus and with tally marks.

Austin played with the penguin felt board.  I tried to get him to show me two fish but he just wanted to put the fish in the penguins belly.

Gavin worked on making different patterns with square tiles of two colors.  We identified the patterns as abab, abb, aab, aabb, etc.

Then we made sqaures and rectangles using our tiles.

We read another book about Native Americans and then a book about Monet.  Today we talked about how Monet layered paint to get different colors peaking through and then did a 'painting' of our own based on Monet's Waterlilies painting, which I was fortunate enough to get to go see last week.  They had three panels at the Art Museum in Kansas City and they were beautiful!
For our 'paint' we layered tissue paper to make the layered colors.

When Gavin finished his water he took a break.  So we read about the Southwest Indians going out into the desert and getting snakes and then having a snake dance where they danced around with the (wild!) snakes in their mouths!!!  Apparently they thought this would bring rain.  It just makes me glad I'm not an Indian.  However, Gavin and Austin have been putting their snake in their mouth the last couple of days and dancing around with it!

Then we came back to finish our painting.

Here is Austin's snake dance!

And Austin's painting.

And Gavin's painting!

Here are the books we read today.

We finished Plains Indians in this book today.

There is a character in this book, baby Emily, so we used it for 'e'.

Austin and I also read this book.

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