Thursday, August 18, 2011

This morning Austin matched his shapes.  He was able to draw the lines himself for the first time!

Then he matched his big 'E' to the little 'e'.

Then he sorted his stars.

Gavin worked on his cursive writing.  Today he combined two letters for the first time.

In math we did simple addition and then patterns on the geoboard.

In art we studied the painting, "In Flanders Field" by Robert Vonnoh.  Then Gavin made his own nature drawing using pencil.  We had gotten a bouquet of sunflowers at the farmer's market last week so that's what Gavin decided to draw.

Austin worked on his own craft, the first part of a sun.

Every hour on the hour Gavin has been going outside to draw a line on his sundial.  Today we learned more about the sun and stars so we watched to see how the sun goes across the sky and the effect it has on shadows.

Here is the artwork we studied today.

We have just a few chapters left of this book.

In science we read these books.

We also read this book about even and odd numbers.

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