Monday, August 15, 2011

This morning while Gavin worked on his reading and handwriting, Austin matched little 'e' and big 'E' peanuts.

Then he sorted stars by colors.

Here is Gavin practicing his reading.

And his cursive letters.

In math this morning he worked on 2 tens (twenty) using tally sticks and his abacus.

In science we learned about stars, how they form and their life cycle.  Then we went into the bathroom and did a little experiment to show how the sun causes day/night and the seasons.

Then we made star shaped sugar cookies.

They don't look great in the picture but they are very tasty!

Here are the books we read today.

We read about the Tower of Babel.
We read a couple books about stars.

We finished the book by Sally Ride on Saturday because Gavin didn't want to wait until Monday to finish it.  So today we started this book about Vikings.

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