Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Before we get started here are some pictures of Adelaide taken last Friday.

Gavin worked on his phonics yesterday.

Austin also worked on phonics playing this letter matching game.

Gavin had his first math test yesterday.  He did great!  He only got one question wrong.  He continued to work on his dinosaur lapbook.

Austin worked on a 'shapes' dinosaur.  It turned into a colors and shapes dinosaur because he told me the color and the shape before gluing it onto his paper to make a dinosaur.

Here is the finished picture!

After school we spent a bunch of time outside because it was beautiful outside!  Austin played with his trains while Gavin was at his afternoon Kindergarten.  We ate dinner outside too!

Adelaide enjoyed her day in the sun (actually it was the shade but she enjoyed it anyway).

Adelaide is starting to be awake a lot more and she is much more alert - looking around to see what's going on around her!

Here are the dinosaur books we read today.

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